Sunday 30 June 2013


Afternoon Internet!

This is my first blog on the internet so be nice please! XD Anyway, my name is Sean, I am 16 years old and I live in Cardiff. Now that is out of the way, onto the blog!

So this blog, Korgs, Flaws and Power Chords will be discussing and talking about musical sub genres, mainly metal sub genres, hence "Power Chords". I'll be talking about sub genres people rip on, people find interesting or if I think it just deserves more attention! I will also be dicussing whether certain sub genres even exist, such as the "Djent" argument, and whether it is just a guitar tone, or a full blown sub genre!

So that explains "Power Chords", now "Korgs". For those of you who don't know, Korg is a manufacturer of elcetronic instruments, such as the ER-1, EMX-1 and the Monotron. The reason I decided to include this is because many sub genres use electronic elements, such as Noise Gates, Filters and Pitch Bends! Why I chose Korg specificaly, rather than Roland or Akai, is because my personal favourite band, Enter Shikari, use a lot of electronics made by Korg, such as the EMX-1, KP2 and MicroKorg. I also just think Korg are brillant at what they do, which led me to buy an EMX-1.

My Korg EMX-1 

Now then, "Flaws", techincally this should be "Glitches" but that doesn't rhyme! A glitch on an electronic instrument is basically making a stupid sound! Also, as a musician myself, a big part of progressing in music is trial and error, trying new things and improving! You also go through a lot, spending a lot of time making one piece of music then having to through it all away, but you will be a better musician because of it!

So that is my blog in a nutshell, I hope you stay with me throughout my random arguments and irregular posts but I hope you discover a lot about music from this post and you can appreciate a wider range of genres.

                                                      Thank you for reading!
                                                                   Sean :)